Saturday, March 27, 2010

Lessons Learned from Bridge Run 2010

1.) Run on shoes less than 2 years old with thicker than 1 mm tread...your shins will thank you.

2.) Invest in an Ipod older than 5'll actually get to listen to your race mix while you run instead of while you update your blog 9 hours after crossing the finish line.

3.) Mexican food does not count as a carb loading meal the night before the race.

4.) Sangria, wine and beer will not hydrate you the day before the race.

5.) If you have friends with you who are not running race, make them dress in running gear and meet you at the bar afterward.

6.) 4 1/2 hours of drinking bloody marys and screwdrivers will most definitely result in a headache.

7.) Not that I need it...but running 6.2 miles is a great excuse to bring a bunch of people down to Charleston for the week.

That's all for now friends...having fun in my old hometown! Maybe I'll post pics soon????