Thursday, June 19, 2008

God Bless Craigslist!

WooHoo! I found some renters!!! Now I'm really 'on the move!' I had soooo many people answer the ad I put on Craigslist a couple weeks ago! The first group of girls I showed the house to were pretty young (a year or two out of college) but very sweet. They really liked the house and wanted their 3rd roommate to come by for a look. When I talked to their landlord, she gave them a good recommendation but then threw in the hook...they weren't very good housekeepers...messy, she said. But I thought to myself, as a 22-23 year old girl, I wasn't the cleanest tenant either. So I gave them the benefit of the doubt. And then I got a call from another girl who answered the ad the same day. I showed the house to this prospect the day before the other girls 3rd roommate was to come for a look. When I opened the door, there stood this really cute, very put together girl and her boyfriend. They both walked through the house and we talked for a long time about rental properties (her boyfriend, who is a Merchant Marine, used to work for a property management company), the house, the neighborhood, our dogs, etc. I just had this really good feeling about her. Danielle called her roommate, Shelby, and told her about the house over the phone and they decided they wanted to sign the lease. So the hard part was calling the first group of girls and telling them that the lease had already been signed but the easy part was entrusting Danielle and Shelby with my house that I love so much! I've been reading a lot about concern vs. worry and how we should worry about nothing! So I just handed it over to God and told Him to deal with it! And He provided, as always! So goodbye 370 Culver (for the time being) and hello G-Vegas! Yippee!!!

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