Monday, August 25, 2008

Sierra's Life Saving Abilities!

So, we all know that my dog is brilliant...but did you know that she could save your life if you were drowning? I think I might start calling her Lassie! This weekend new friends, Matt and Meredith Dowless, invited me and Sierra out on their boat on Lake Keowee. I didn't quite know how Sierra was going to do on a boat but figured it was worth a shot. I knew she wouldn't try to jump out of the boat or anything because that would require being more than 10 inches away from me so I was pretty sure we could at least keep her safe while moving...I just didn't know how the boat would fare after having a 70 lb. ball of fun running around it all day long! She adjusted pretty well to being on water rather than land and eventually as Matt put it, "Got her sea legs!" Matt took us to a really nice cove where we hung out most of the day. Everyone jumped in...well, we had to push Sierra in. Once she was in the water, she was a little nervous at first because I don't really think she knew what was going on. She's used to jumping in after a stick or a ball, not being pushed off a boat. So, she kept swimming from the shore to me and back. All of a sudden, she swims straight to me and grabs the life jacket I'm floating on with her teeth. I thought she was trying to play with it because it looked like on of her toys so I told her 'no' so that she wouldn't eat the life jacket. Then (and this is where she shows off how brilliant she is) she grabs on to the strap of the life jacket and begins pulling me to the shore! She literally swam with all of her might and dragged me all the way to land! And all I could do was let her drag me because I was laughing so hard! Everytime I swam back out to the middle of the cove, she came after me and dragged me back! So we all took turns having 'shore duty' which consisted of throwing the stick or a ball for Sierra. Look at the picture below of the 3 girls floating in the water...there's a tiny speck in the background way behind us...that's Sierra swimming to catch the ball that one of the guys threw! Needless to say, she was exhausted last night! I don't know why some of these pictures are so small. If I can figure out how to make them bigger, I'll try to post them again! Sorry!

1 comment:

The Rays said...

hey! what a brilliant dog you have. was reading an older post about how to make your blog cuter. check out my sil sarah's blog links and some have websites listed at the top where you can find backgrounds and stuff. also, you might want to check out google reader. i haven't done it but evidently it will let you know when your favorite blogs have been updated.

hope you are well!